The country’s top gymnasts (including many from North Shore Rhythmics) just competed in this season’s first national competition, held at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. The verdict? NSR gymnasts did an outstanding job! In the junior Rhythmic Challenge for national team and level 10 elite members 15 and under, Laura Zeng finished first in all four events and first all around, Camilla Feeley finished second in ball and hoop and third all around, and Natalie Bourand and Alexandra Ladan finished in the top 12 all around. In the senior Rhythmic Challenge for national team and level 10 elite members 16 and older, Jazzy Kerber finished first in hoop and ribbon and third all around and Kristen Shaldybin finished in the top 12 all around. In the senior level 9 event, Molly Isley finished first in ribbon and second all around. In the junior level 9 age-level C event, Karrine Denisova finished second in ribbon and third all around, Matyda Marzalek finished third in ball, and Taylor Edelchik finished in the top 12 all around. In the junior level 9 age-level B event, Daria Baltovick finished first in clubs and fourth all around. In the junior level 9 age-level A event, Erin Tucker finished in the top 12 in hoop, ball and clubs, and Michelle Thelen finished in the top 12 in ball and ribbon. In the junior level 8 event, Dasha Kosack finished first all around, Jenny Hillier finished fourth in ribbon, and Kate Danilov finished 13th all around. The USA senior national group, which trains at North Shore Rhyhthmics, also received an enthusiastic reception for their great performances. Congratulations to all gymnasts! And thank you to our wonderful coaches!
May 2017