Nine North Shore Rhythmics gymnasts were in an empire state of mind last weekend when they competed at the Coaches Cup in Syracuse.
Gergana Petkova 3rd AA Hope category Patricia Ivanauskaite 4th AA Hope Kate Danilov 2nd AA Junior 2003 Connie Du 2nd AA Junior Dasha Kozack 4th AA Dasha Baltovick 4th AA Senior Ugne Dragunas 6th AA Senior NSR also earned the second all-around team trophy. Most Expressive Liza Merenzon won a special “most expressive” award and Jessica Huang won a “future hope” award. Congratulations to all the girls! NSR gymnasts Laura Zeng and Evita Griskenas took gold and silver in the senior competition at the USA Rhythmic Challenge in Lake Placid over the weekend. In 2015 Zeng was the senior national champion and Griskenas was the junior national champion. Karrine Denisova finished second in the junior competition. Camilla Feeley and Natalie Bourand also competed at the Challenge. Congratulations to NSR's gymnasts for a fantastic start to the 2016 competitive season!
For results and more photos by Tom Theobald, please visit the USA Gymnastics website. https://usagym.org/pages/post.html?PostID=18129&prog= Photo by Tom Theobald for USA Gymnastics |
May 2017